It's hard to believe that it's been 102 days since Tucker has been here with us. Days continue to fly by but at times the time seems to stand still. Sunday was Day 100 which would have been the day post transplant that Tucker was free and clear and the day when his immune system would be back to "normal". It was a hard and very emotional day for us, but we put our best foot forward and spent the day with some family at the National Zoo in DC. Mckenzie loved all of the animals and loved running with her cousins. She amazes me that she can keep up with them and never seems to miss a beat. I sometimes forget that she is only 17 months old.
Our summer has been busy and July seems to have come and gone in a blink of an eye. Mckenzie and I spent several weeks in one of our favorite spots... Nags Head NC. We started our trip out with some wonderful friends, then moved on to spend the week with Meme and Pop, and ended the vacation with the Armstrong family. Mckenzie became quite a beach girl during our stay. She loves the sand, loves the ocean and would kick and scream when it was time to leave. Perhaps she is more like me than I realized... She still carries her beach bucket around the house and outside asking me to go to the beach. We are looking forward to one more trip before summer ends. Mckenzie is turning into a little girl more and more each day. She is talking more everyday, loves to play outside and like her brother continues to just enjoy the simple things in life.
Saturday was the dedication of Tucker's memorial garden. The service was beautiful and we were surrounded by close friends and family the entire day. The kids made stepping stones and brought them to place in the garden. They are such a perfect touch that makes the garden look complete for sure. When we arrived at the garden I couldn't help but notice almost a dozen yellow butterflies flying around. They stayed there all day and provided such a sense of comfort to me. Perhaps it was a sign that ideed we had Tucker's approval and he was just as excited about the garden as we are.
We continue to gain strength from our family, and wonderful friends each day. Thank you will never be enough and I'm not sure you all realize how amazing you all have been throughout this journey. I'm not sure where we would be without all of your calls, visits, outings, talks and good times. Your love and support means more to us than you will ever know!!
I do think little miss is alot more like you than you realize. Precious girl! We love you! Xoxo